Title: Chinnar vanadarshan Karnataka government launch the new initiative programme to school children
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File Language: English or Kannada
How download file: click on given link wait a second it's start to download,
Where to click for download: after the given image, below there is a link which was mentioned as "Click to download "
How to apply online application: After the image there will be online application link or link of the official website, click then apply online application
How to find single page information: Click on the image, which was uploaded below the text, then magnifying that images to read, if you need to further use please download it
Which Department: Education
State: Karnataka
Published Date: June 2024
File format: jpg and pdf
File size: kb
Number of pages:
Availability for download: Yes
Availability of website link: Yes
Scanned copy : Yes
Editable Text: No
Copy text: No
Print enable: Yes
Quality: High
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Password protected: No
Password encrypted: No
Image file available: Yes
Cost: free of cost
Go Green!!! Print this only if necessary
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