Title: 01-07-2023 Saturday's educational, employment, economical, social, health and sports news File Type: daily news and current af...
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29-06-2023 Thursday's educational, employment, economical, social, health and sports news
Title: 29-06-2023 Thursday's educational, employment, economical, social, health and sports news File Type: daily news and current af...
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Title: Calculation chart how much dearness allowance increased to state government employees File Type: calculations on how much dearness a...
Title: HRMS: EES Download your monthly pay slip n salary slip and other details File Type: Download your monthly pay slips, Earn leave bala...
Title: Watch online training of Ganith kalika andolana in YouTube live File Type: Maths learning programme related online training in YouTu...
Title: Check the compulsory Kannada examination results of VAO Village administrative officer exam File Type: enter your roll number and da...
Title: Download today's question papers of PDO Panchayat Development officer posts File Type: Question paper 1 and 2 both papers are d...
Title: TBF SWF : increasing the medical reimbursement amount of teachers and students official order File Type: increasing medical reimbur...
Title: Check your vehicle fine online: various fine details with photo, date and time File Type: Traffic rule violation fine details of you...
Title: SSP: State scholarship portal apply online application File Type: Apply online application and check the scholarship credit status ...